منصة زاجل الإجتماعية


التكاثر الخضرى فى نباتات الفاكهة د.عبادى

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  • الحبوبة...
    زراعي مميز
    • Feb 2011
    • 319

    رد: التكاثر الخضرى فى نباتات الفاكهة د.عبادى

    شكرا لك يادكتور شرح مفصل ومعلومات قيمه حقا جزاك الله كل الخير
    لا تسألنى كيف حال زمانى ....ماذا يعيش اليوم فى وجدانى....ما أنت الا قصة بدأت بقلبى وانتهت.... بلسانى....وشهدوتها للناس لحنا خالدا....يكفيك أنك كنت من ألحانى..!!


    • د.محمدعبادى
      مشرف عالم الفاكهة والخضروات
      • Sep 2008
      • 1135

      رد: التكاثر الخضرى فى نباتات الفاكهة د.عبادى

      الأمل نبتة زُرعت في أحشاء كل إنسان ...
      تنمو بإيماننا بها وتطمأن ثم تظلّنا بظلّها ...


      • نخيل الفرات
        زراعي جديد
        • Mar 2011
        • 3

        رد: التكاثر الخضرى فى نباتات الفاكهة د.عبادى

        موضوع قيم يستحق الأعجاب والثناء جهودكم مباركه دكتورمحمد


        • د.محمدعبادى
          مشرف عالم الفاكهة والخضروات
          • Sep 2008
          • 1135

          رد: التكاثر الخضرى فى نباتات الفاكهة د.عبادى

          شكرا لك اخى الفاضل على المرور
          الأمل نبتة زُرعت في أحشاء كل إنسان ...
          تنمو بإيماننا بها وتطمأن ثم تظلّنا بظلّها ...


          • nanalike
            زراعي جديد
            • Mar 2011
            • 1


            calling the hearing a "very skewed discussion," said the panel should have also spoken laser machine to witnesses from the Department of laser cutting system Homeland Security, FBI and Justice Department.
            Throughout the hearing, which was laser cutting machine convened under tight security, Democrats laser cutter and Republicans sparred over whether the focus on Muslim Americans laser cutting was too narrow or was properly addressing the current threat picture.
            The longest serving laser cutting machine Democrat in the House, Representative John Dingell, whose state of Michigan has a large Muslim community, urged King to ensure that his investigation does not "blot the laser cutter name or the loyalty or raise questions about the decency of Arabs or Muslims laser cutting or other Americans."
            Republicans argued that the open laser engraver efforts by al Qaeda and its affiliates to recruit within the Muslim community showed that they were on the right laser engraver track.
            "We are looking at a specific problem, and we're laser engraving machine trying to deal with it," said Republican Representative Dan Lungren of laser engravinCalifornia.
            Los Angeles County mini laser engraver Sheriff Leroy Baca praised cooperation by desktop laser engraver Muslims in his community and warned against focusing on a single constituency.
            vinyl cutter"This makes a false assumption vinyl cutter that any particular religion or group is more prone to radicalization than others," he said.
            cutting plotter U.S.PoliticsPeter King, the cutting plotter chairman of the House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee who convened hearings to examine Islamic laser tube radicalization, has accused the Muslim desktop cnc router community of refusing to cooperate with law enforcement mini cnc router and charged that PCB router preaching in some U.S. mosques was leading to radicalization.
            "To combat this threat, moderate PCB cnc router leadership must emerge from the Muslim community," King said. "Today, we must be fully aware that home-grown radicalization is part of al Qaeda's DIY cnc router strategy to continue attacking the United States."
            The hearings spotlight increasing cnc router plans concerns about the threat of home-grown terrorism and attempts by al Qaeda to recruit from mosques in the United States to carry out attacks in this table top cnc router country and abroad.
            Some lawmakers said King's approach cnc router unfairly demonized a single religious group, tarnishing cnc engraver them in their communities and instilling a sense of cnc routers fear that deters them cnc machine from coming forward to report suspicious activity.
            Democratic Representative cnc wood router Keith Ellison, the first Muslim to serve in the House, wept as he recounted how a 23-year-old Muslim paramedic died cnc woodworking router when he responded to the September 11 attacks in cnc woodworking router New York City and later was smeared woodworking cnc router because of his faith.
            "Some people spread false rumors and speculated that wood cnc router he was really with the attackers because he was a Muslim," he said.
            He said the young man, Mohammed Salman Hamdani, should plotter be recognized for giving "everything for his fellow Americans" rather than solely as a member of a religious large format plotter group. Ellison tried to hide his wide format plotter tears behind his papers and quickly left the room cnc wood working router after his remarks.
            King, a New York congressman, denied cnc router accusations that the hearings were "radical or un-American" and said there was no comparison between the threat woodworking cnc router from al Qaeda and that from neo-Nazis, environmental wood cnc router extremists and "isolated madmen."

            He pointed to Americans who cnc machining center went overseas where they joined militant groups, the attempt by a Saudi student caught in Texas as he was trying to build bombs and the failed attempt by a stone machine
            Pakistani-born U.S. citizen to detonate a car bomb cnc stone router in New York's bustling Times Square last year.
            Melvin Bledsoe told the committee about his son Carlos who was radicalized at a mosque in Tennessee and in Yemen. His son later shot dead a U.S. soldier and wounded a stone cnc router second at a recruiting center in Arkansas in 2009.
            "What happened to Carlos at those Nashville mosques isn't normal," he said. "I have self Inking stamp other family members who are Muslims and they are modern, peaceful, law granite cnc router abiding people."
            A Somali American from Minnesota told the committee about his nephew secretly traveling to Somalia to join and with the militant group al Shabaab. He said that U.S. mosque cnc granite router leaders warned his family against cooperating with law enforcement.
            "The challenge is that the Pre Inked stamp community is lacking strong and true stamps machine leaders that translate the real voices of the average flash stamp machine members of the community," Abdirizak Bihi said.


            • العبير
              زراعي جديد
              • Mar 2011
              • 20

              رد: التكاثر الخضرى فى نباتات الفاكهة د.عبادى

              شكرا شكرا يا دكتور محمد
              بارك الله فيك
              إذا لم تجد من يسعدك فحاول أن تسعد نفسك ....


              • AbuHaishamad
                زراعي جديد
                • Apr 2011
                • 13

                رد: التكاثر الخضرى فى نباتات الفاكهة د.عبادى

                لكم جزيل الشكر. موضوعكم رائع ومفيد جدا إلا أن هناك مأخذا صغيرا عليه وهو أن بعض الصور التي ترينا طريقة التطعيم صغيرة وغير واضحة وصعب قراءة كلماتها التعليقية.

                لقد أجبتم في هذا الموضوع على طلبنا السابق عن موضوع التطعيم.

                فشكرا لكم وبارك الله فيكم


                • د.محمدعبادى
                  مشرف عالم الفاكهة والخضروات
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 1135

                  رد: التكاثر الخضرى فى نباتات الفاكهة د.عبادى

                  شكرا لكم جميعا على المرور
                  الأمل نبتة زُرعت في أحشاء كل إنسان ...
                  تنمو بإيماننا بها وتطمأن ثم تظلّنا بظلّها ...


                  • mouna
                    زراعي جديد
                    • May 2010
                    • 24

                    رد: التكاثر الخضرى فى نباتات الفاكهة د.عبادى

                    الجزائر ضحت بملبون ونصف شهيد ولكن إستقلت فأكيد سيأتي يوم و تستقل فلسطين حتى لو ضحت بمليار شهيد فالحرية قريبة إن شاء الله
                    أدعوا الله ينصر إخوتنا في فلسطين


                    • د.محمدعبادى
                      مشرف عالم الفاكهة والخضروات
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 1135

                      رد: التكاثر الخضرى فى نباتات الفاكهة د.عبادى

                      شكرا اختى الغالية على المرور
                      الأمل نبتة زُرعت في أحشاء كل إنسان ...
                      تنمو بإيماننا بها وتطمأن ثم تظلّنا بظلّها ...


                      • محمد ابو حسن
                        زراعي جديد
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 13

                        دكتور محمد شكرا لكم والى جهودكم دمتم ودائم جهودكم


                        • د.محمدعبادى
                          مشرف عالم الفاكهة والخضروات
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 1135

                          شكرا لك اخى الفاضل على مرورك الكريم
                          الأمل نبتة زُرعت في أحشاء كل إنسان ...
                          تنمو بإيماننا بها وتطمأن ثم تظلّنا بظلّها ...


                          • رفاعى جمال
                            زراعي جديد
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 8



                            • د.محمدعبادى
                              مشرف عالم الفاكهة والخضروات
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 1135

                              شكرا للاهتمام
                              الأمل نبتة زُرعت في أحشاء كل إنسان ...
                              تنمو بإيماننا بها وتطمأن ثم تظلّنا بظلّها ...


                              • د.محمدعبادى
                                مشرف عالم الفاكهة والخضروات
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 1135

                                شكرا اخى الحبيب على المرور
                                التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة د.محمدعبادى; الساعة 05-20-2012, 09:35 AM.
                                الأمل نبتة زُرعت في أحشاء كل إنسان ...
                                تنمو بإيماننا بها وتطمأن ثم تظلّنا بظلّها ...


                                مواضيع شائعة


                                المواضيع إحصائيات آخر مشاركة
                                أنشئ بواسطة abdoayman123, 09-19-2024, 11:18 AM
                                ردود 0
                                5 مشاهدات
                                0 معجبون
                                آخر مشاركة abdoayman123
                                بواسطة abdoayman123
                                أنشئ بواسطة abdoayman123, 09-18-2024, 12:14 PM
                                ردود 0
                                6 مشاهدات
                                1 معجب
                                آخر مشاركة abdoayman123
                                بواسطة abdoayman123
                                جاري المعالجة..