المزرعة:قوالب الاستشهاد

من موسوعة المزرعة
مراجعة 00:24، 5 أبريل 2021 بواسطة Ahmad A Najar (نقاش | مساهمات) (أنشأ الصفحة ب'{{مختصر|وب:تحديد مصادر}} في الأسفل أمثلة حول كيفية استخدام القوالب للاستشهاد بكتب وموسوعات ود...')
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خطأ: لا اختصارات محددة ووسيط |msg= ليس مضبوطًا. في الأسفل أمثلة حول كيفية استخدام القوالب للاستشهاد بكتب وموسوعات ودوريات وأطروحات وأوراق منشورة ومواقع ويب وأجزاء من قصص مصورة وفيديوهات وقصص مصورة تحريرية. انظر أيضاً تصنيف قوالب مراجع.

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  • الحقول المطلوبة مشار إليها بالخط الغليظ
  • قم بنسخ ولصق النص تحت خانة "الاستخدام الشائع" لاستعمال القالب
  • يتبع كل مثال نص المقالة الناتج.

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مصدر القالب
الاستخدام الشائع مثال 1
article text
مثال 2
article text
كتب {{مرجع كتاب}}
{{cite book
  | last = 
  | first = 
  | authorlink = 
  | coauthors = 
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  | publisher = 
  | date = 
  | location = 
  | pages = 
  | url = 
  | doi = 
  | id =  }}
{{cite book
  | last = Mumford
  | first = David
  | authorlink = David Mumford
  | title = The Red Book of Vari…
  | publisher = [[Springer]]
  | date = 1999
  | pages = 198-203
  | doi = 10.1007/b62130
  | id = ISBN 3-540-63293-X }}

Mumford, David (1999). The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes. سبرنجر. صفحات 198–203. doi:10.1007/b62130. ISBN 3-540-63293-X. الوسيط |CitationClass= تم تجاهله (مساعدة)

{{cite book 
  | last = Cordell 
  | first = Bruce R. 
  | coauthors = Jeff Grubb, David Yu 
  | title = [[Manual of the Planes]] 
  | publisher = [[Wizards of the Coast]] 
  | date = 2001 
  | pages = pp. 198-203
  | month = September 
  | id = ISBN 0-7869-1850-8 }}

Cordell, Bruce R. (2001). Manual of the Planes. Wizards of the Coast. صفحات pp. 198-203. ISBN 0-7869-1850-8. الوسيط |CitationClass= تم تجاهله (مساعدة)صيانة CS1: نص إضافي (link)

 or paper
{{Cite conference}}
{{cite conference
  | first = 
  | last = 
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  | publisher = 
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  | accessdate =  }}
{{cite conference
  | first = M.
  | last = Turk 
  | authorlink = 
  | coauthors = Pentland, A.
  | title = Face recognition usi…
  | booktitle = Proc IEEE Confer…
  | pages = 586–591
  | year = 1991 }}

قالب:Cite conference

{{cite conference
  | last = Evans
  | first = N. R.
  | coauthors = Schaefer, G; Bond, H.; Bon…
  | title = Direct detection of the close…
  | booktitle = American Astronomical Soci…
  | date = [[2006-01-09]]
  | url = http://www.aas.org/…30.htm
  | accessdate = 2006-07-02 }}

قالب:Cite conference

موسوعة {{استشهاد بموسوعة}}
{{cite encyclopedia
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  | encyclopedia =
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  | pages = 
  | publisher = 
  | date = 
  | id = 
  | accessdate =  }}
{{cite encyclopedia
  | title = Kirkegaard, Ole Lund
  | encyclopedia = Grote Winkler…
  | volume = 9
  | publisher = [[Winkler Prins]]
  | date = [[1882]] }}

قالب:Cite encyclopedia

{{cite encyclopedia
  | last = Kramer
  | first = Martin
  | authorlink = Martin Kramer
  | title = Bernard Lewis
  | encyclopedia = Encyclopedia of Histori…
  | volume = 1
  | pages = 719–720
  | publisher = Fitzroy Dearborn
  | location = London
  | date = 1999
  | url = http://www.geocities.com/…wis.htm
  | accessdate = 2006-05-23 }}

قالب:Cite encyclopedia

journal {{Cite journal}}
{{cite journal
  | last = 
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  | accessdate =  }}
{{cite journal
  | authorlink = Stephen Breyer
  | title = Copyright: A Rejoin…
  | journal = UCLA Law Review
  | volume = 20
  | pages = 75–83
  | date = October 1972
  | publisher = UCLA School of…}}

Breyer, Stephen (October 1972). "Copyright: A Rejoinder". UCLA Law Review. UCLA School of Law. 20: 75–83. الوسيط |CitationClass= تم تجاهله (مساعدة)

{{cite journal
  | last = Bailey
  | first = David H.
  | authorlink = David H. Bailey
  | coauthors = [[Peter Borwein|Borwein, P…
  | title = The Quest for Pi
  | journal = Mathematical Intelligencer
  | volume = 19 
  | issue = 1
  | pages = 50–57
  | date = [[1999-06-25]]
  | publisher = Springer
  | url = http://crd.lbl.gov/…/pi-quest.pdf
  | format = [[نسق المستندات المنقولة]]
  | id = ISSN: 0343-6993
  | accessdate = 2006-06-29 }}

Bailey, David H. (1999-06-25). "The Quest for Pi" (نسق المستندات المنقولة). Mathematical Intelligencer. Springer. 19 (1): 50–57. ISSN: 0343-6993. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 29 يونيو 2006. الوسيط |CitationClass= تم تجاهله (مساعدة); تحقق من التاريخ في: |date= (مساعدة)

news {{استشهاد بخبر}}
{{cite news 
  | last = 
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  | work = 
  | pages = 
  | language = 
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  | url = 
  | accessdate =  }}
{{cite news 
  | last = McGee
  | first = Maggie
  | title = Seabed 'scarred' by…
  | pages = 12–27
  | publisher = CNN 
  | date = [[2005-02-10]]
  | url = http://www.cnn.com/200…
  | accessdate = 2006-07-03 }}

قالب:Cite news

{{cite news 
  | last = Andersen 
  | first = David 
  | coauthors = Witter, Lameen 
  | title = Former Marine, Go Daddy CEO Ta…
  | publisher = Marine Corps News
  | date = [[2006-02-17]]
  | url = http://www.military.com/Careers/…
  | accessdate = 2006-06-02 }}

قالب:Cite news

{{Cite newsgroup}}
{{cite newsgroup 
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  | author = 
  | date = 
  | newsgroup = 
  | id = 
  | url = 
  | accessdate =  }}
{{cite newsgroup 
  | author = Gary S. Terhune
  | title = Lost Ctrl-Alt-Del fu…
  | date = [[2004-01-11]]
  | newsgroup = microsoft.public…
  | id = uAIVMjC2DHA.2336@TK2MSF…
  | url = http://groups.google.c…
  | accessdate = 2006-05-16 }}

قالب:Cite newsgroup

{{cite newsgroup 
  | title = How can helping "Kids in Afric…
  | author = Trodel
  | date = [[2006-06-10]]
  | newsgroup= humanities.philosophy.objec…
  | id = 1149950890.204481.35810@h76g2000…
  | url = http://groups.google.com/group/…
  | accessdate = 2006-07-03 }}

قالب:Cite newsgroup

{{cite paper}}
{{cite paper
  | author = 
  | title = 
  | version = 
  | publisher = 
  | date = 
  | url = 
  | format = 
  | accessdate =  }}
{{cite paper
  | author = Ziman, J.M., F.R.S.
  | title = Public Knowledge: An…
  | date = 1968
  | url =http://info.med.yale.edu
  | format = [[نسق المستندات المنقولة]]
  | accessdate = 2006-07-03 }}

قالب:Cite paper

{{cite paper
  | author = Williamson, John and Zagha, R…
  | title = From the Hindu Rate of Growth…
  | version = Working Paper No 144
  | publisher = Center for Research on eco…
  | date = 2002 
  | url = http://scid.stanford.edu/…144.pdf
  | format = [[نسق المستندات المنقولة]]
  | accessdate = 2006-07-03 }}

قالب:Cite paper

press release {{Cite press release}}
{{cite press release
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  | publisher = 
  | date = 
  | url = 
  | accessdate =  }}
{{cite press release
  | title = Nature compares Wik…
  | publisher = The Wikimedia F…
  | date = [[2005-12-15]]
  | url = http://en.wikipedia.or…
  | accessdate = 2006-07-03}}

قالب:Cite press release

{{cite press release
  | title = HFPA Announces Timetable for 6…
  | publisher = [[Hollywood Foreign Press…]]
  | date = [[2006-05-25]]
  | url = http://www.hfpa.org/news/id/32
  | accessdate = 2006-06-13 }}

قالب:Cite press release

video {{cite video}}
{{cite video
  | people = 
  | title = 
  | medium = 
  | publisher = 
  | location = 
  | date =  }}
{{cite video
  | people = Al-Issawi, Omar(Dir…
  | title = [http…Harab libnan]
  | medium = TV-Series
  | publisher = Al-Issawi, Omar
  | location = Lebanon 
  | date = 2001 }}

قالب:Cite video

{{cite video
  | people = Dick Cavett
  | title = The Dick Cavett Show — Rock Ic…
  | medium = DVD
  | publisher = Shout Factory
  | date = 2005 }}

قالب:Cite video

website {{مرجع ويب}}
{{cite web
  | last = 
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  | accessdate =  }}
{{cite web
  | last = Spiegel
  | first = Rachel
  | title = Research: Thalidomide 
  | url=http://science-education…
  | accessdate = 2006-04-30 }}

قالب:Cite web

{{cite web
  | last = Hansen
  | first = James E.
  | authorlink = James Hansen 
  | coauthors = R. Ruedy, M. Sato, and K. Lo
  | title = GISS Surface Temperature Analysis Global Temperature Trends: 2005 Summation
  | work = 
  | publisher = [[Goddard Institute for Space Studies|NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies]]
  | date = [[2005-12-15]]
  | url = http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/2005/
  | format =
  | doi = 
  | accessdate = 2006-09-28 }}

قالب:Cite web Note: blank fields (format & doi above) will not affect the result unless the field is required.
